Rally for harness legend

By Ewen McRae

The name Gavin Lang is synonymous with the harness racing community, and that same community is now rallying to help him in his time of need.
The Bacchus Marsh reinsman, a legend of the sport with thousands of winners, is fighting a rare form of Lymphoma.
His health battle has prompted an outpouring of support from the racing fraternity.
A GoFundMe fundraiser set up to help Lang get the intensive three-month treatment he needs, which is only available in America, raised more than $85,000 in less than two weeks.
Fellow driver Chris Alford was just a kid when he first met Lang.
Alford grew up watching Lang race and then competed against him for years. He said Lang meant a lot to the harness racing community.
“I’ve always looked up to him and respected him as a driver and as a person,” Alford said.
“He’s always a very hard competitor, but great off the track as well. A pretty reserved man, not too extravagant, but once you get to know him he’s just a really nice guy.
“You have to push yourself to be as good as you can be when driving against him, and you just have to see the outpouring of donations to know how much he means to racing.
“As one of the leading drivers for the past 40 years he’s a revered figure. People are always sending him well wishes or donating what they can to help him out.
“We had a raffle recently of some of his colours – the colours sold for about $6000 and the helmet cover about $2500 – every little bit helps.
“We’re all thinking of him at the moment.”
Harness Racing Victoria chairman Dale Monteith also expressed his support for Lang as the fundraising continued.
“Gavin Lang is a champion of our industry and I speak for everyone at HRV when I say to Gavin and his family our sincere thoughts and prayers are with you all during this time,” he said.
While the Lang family is keeping its battles private, Mr Lang’s wife, Meagan, thanked everyone for their ongoing support.
“Thank you everyone for your continued messages and support, we are quite humbled by it all,” Ms Lang said.
Details: www.gofundme.com/f/group-1-gav