Prisoners build for kids Christmas gifts

Prison officer and Melbourne Tautoko Whanau vice president James Smith, MRC prison officer Michelle Duvall, MRC general manager Nick Selisky, Melbourne Tautoko Whanau president John Wickham.

Liam McNally

Staff and prisoners at the Metropolitan Remand Centre (MRC) are helping provide toys for underprivileged kids across Victoria this Christmas.

Department of Justice and Community Safety staff are working in partnership with charities Melbourne Tautoko Whanau and the Caroline Chisholm Society, to take part in a toy drive at the prison.

Staff at the MRC were invited to donate purchased items, and prisoners from the timber Prison Industries program built and decorated a large scale toy box for the items to be held until collection.

Approximately 475 items have been donated by staff at an estimated value of $3500, which Tautoko Whanau and the Caroline Chisholm Society will provide to more than 150 families.

Corrections Victoria commissioner Larissa Strong said their staff do important work in their roles all year round “and it’s heart-warming to see their generosity for the

community further displayed during the festive season.”

“Having a safe and stable home is an important part of diverting people from the justice system and supporting them towards successful futures, and charities like this do amazing work to nurture positive family environments,” she said.

Metropolitan Remand Centre general manager Nicholas Selisky it’s been “wonderful” to see staff take part in this “important initiative and really dig deep to support the


“Having prisoners get involved by assisting to make the large toy box for the drive has been a great way for them to use their skills to give back and take pride in being a part of this wonderful initiative,” he said.