Primary student wins $3000 for big vision

Isaiah (12) is a competition winner who wants to be either a doctor or a scientist when he finishes school. (Provided)

Liam McNally

A Christ the Priest Primary School student has won the $3000 for sharing his vision for a child-friendly city.

The Child Friendly Design competition run by UNICEF Australia and Bupa asked entrants to create an artwork, video, or written piece about a city or community that is good for their physical and mental wellbeing, along with the environment.

Isaiah (12) said his artwork was about the nine important places in a child friendly city based on values of respect, harmony, friendship, kindness, healing, love and hope.

“I have also included clean water and nature in my vision because we need to look after our environment,” he said.

“I have named these important places as Rainbow of Respect, Bridge of Friendship, Tree of Kindness, Skyscraper of Love, Council of Harmony, Hospital of Healing, Flower of Hope, The Sea of Clean Water and Park of Nature. These are all things people need in a child friendly city so we can be happy and healthy inside and out. I would love to see this type of city in the future.”

Isaiah said the themes in his city are important because they are what make him and other people happy.

He credited his art teacher, Audrey Cardona for inspiring him to practice art in his spare time.

“I used to be very inspired by my art teacher and my art classes as they were very engaging and very exciting,” he said.

Isaiah said he will spend a little bit of his prize money, but also wants to share it with his sister who just celebrated her 6th birthday.