Police call safety forum

Police have called a community safety forum in response to a spate of violent crimes in Melton in recent weeks.

Residents have been on higher alert as police put the call out for information regarding four home invasions this month, all within days of each other.

Shots being fired at a truck in High Street and the alleged assault of two teenagers outside a shopping centre have heightened resident’s safety fears.

“As the local inspector, I know all too well these types of crimes are terribly frightening for the victims,” Melton Inspector Kathryn Rudkins said.

“Our number one priority is and will always be the safety and security of the entire Melton community.

“We’ll continue to conduct regular, intelligence-led patrols to detect, deter and disrupt criminal or antisocial behaviour.

“But we need the community to help.”

On the Caroline Springs Residents Facebook page, many locals have been calling for the state and local government to do something about the crime wave.

Residents said they felt “helpless”.

“Residents haven’t slept soundly for over a year,” one post said.

“We live with fear of any noise, or helicopter outside … we want action, a preventative strategy. How many victims are needed before something is done?”

At the community safety forum Melton Police will discuss ways for residents to reduce the risks of becoming burglary victims.

Inspector Rudkins said detectives had made arrests in some of the recent cases and more were expected.

She is urging residents to report anything suspicious to police, to ensure that vehicles are parked in garages where possible and that external property doors are locked.

Crime in Melton South increased 11 per cent overall between 2015 and 2016, according to the latest data from the Crime Statistics Agency.

Home invasions in the area have steadily increased since 2013, jumping by 20 per cent between 2015 and 2016.

The safety forum will be held at the Taylors Hill Youth and Community Centre on May 31 from 6.30pm.


Quick look:

May 16, Hillside: Two Melton men have been charged over a home invasion about 11am.

May 17, Melton South: A group of about eight men armed with metal poles broke into a Gillespie Drive house just after 7pm.

May 21, Rockbank: A 16-year-old boy has been charged after an alleged aggravated robbery and assault at a Rockbank house.

May 21, Coburns shopping centre: Two Melbourne teenagers reported they had been ambushed by a group of older teens near the corner of High Street and Coburns Road.

May 22, Brookfield: Police say a family of four were asleep in their home when five men entered the house about 1.20am.

May 25, Melton West: Police investigate gunshots being fired at a truck in High Street.