Plumpton pool push


Liam McNally

A $116 million aquatic leisure centre for Plumpton one step closer, after Melton council endorsed a revised business case for the project at a meeting on Monday, June 26.

A business case for The Plumpton Aquatic and Leisure Centre was created in 2017, and was revised and updated last year.

The business case proposed an aquatic centre on Beattys Road, projected to cost $116.4 million if construction commences in 2025.

The document proposes a range of district-level features including $7.9 million in waterslides, a gym, a 50-metre indoor and 25-metre outdoor pool and a $2.7 million “aquatic sensory experience room”.

Councillor Sophie Ramsay said a delegation of councillors “went like the Leyland brothers around Victoria” to see what other municipalities have done with their aquatic centres, and “can’t wait to see this in the City of Melton”.

Cr Kathy Majdlik said the business case is an “important milestone for the project”.

“With nearly 170,000 people expected to live near Plumpton by 2040, we’re committed to delivering the kind of aquatic centre a growing community deserves,” she said.

“I can’t wait for it to be delivered to our community, we’ve been waiting for a long time… but I understand it’s a long process because it’s a very expensive and large asset, but I say let’s get this thing built…”

Council officers anticipate the project will be completed before the end of the next council term.

Melton’s 2023-24 budget allocated $250,000 to commence the next stage of the Plumpton Aquatic Leisure Centre, which is to create a master plan and schematic design for the centre.

The purchase of land for the aquatic centre site is yet to be finalised.

Cr Justine Farrugia said she anticipates all the members of the municipality “will enjoy this very thoroughly”

“I’m sure it will bring much joy to all of the members of our community including all the children and I’m sure we’re going to have the best slides, the best gym, and the best possible facility going around which will be trend-setting.”