Almost two decades ago, Dr Mark Robson and George Marshall embarked on a journey to help ease the pain of cancer sufferers in Melton.
They wanted to create a space where people living with, recovering from, or caring for someone with cancer, could come for social and emotional support.
Last Tuesday, the Melton Cancer Support Group placed memorial plaques in honour of the group’s first members – George and Barbara Marshall, Doug Henderson, Rose Russo and Jeanette Gowans.
Group secretary Glenyse Stubbs said they helped people touched by cancer “regain a sense of control” over their lives. The group also connects members to appropriate services in the community.
“Battling cancer can be a long and lonely road, but in Melton there are plenty of survivors, carers and fighters offering a shoulder to lean on,” Ms Stubbs said.
“The group caters for people with all concerns, to help them get back into the world, instead of shutting themselves away.”
The group meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 10.30am at Melton Health, 195 Barries Road, Melton West.
Details: 0415 411 512