Pink stumps for charity

Melton Fire Brigade First Lieutenant Simon Vamplew and Eynesbury Fire Brigade Captain Kylie Davis. Pic: Blair Dellemijn

Sarah Oliver

This weekend the Melton Fire Brigade CFA and Eynesbury Fire Brigade CFA will come head to head in a T20 match to raise money for the McGrath Foundation in their annual Pink Stumps Day.

Money raised during the event goes to funding the McGrath Breast Care Nurses which provides care and support to families experiencing breast cancer.

Melton CFA volunteer Bailey Rhodes has helped organise the event for the last few years.

“We jumped on board about four or five years ago. I had an idea that we can do something for the fire brigade to get back out into the community,” he said.

In previous years, Mr Rhodes and his fellow volunteers have played against fire brigades in areas further away such as Echuca, but decided to play closer to home this year.

“This year we wanted to keep it close to home at Eynesbury’s new ground,” he said.

Mr Rhodes said the game will be “something different and easy to get involved in” for the community and a way for the town to gather after months of restrictions.

The event will also have raffles, a silent auction and barbeque, with areas to donate around the ground.

“All we ask is [the residents] show up with deep pockets,” Mr Rhodes said.
