Payment to help school families

(Joshua Hoehne/Unsplash)

The state government has announced a new School Saving Bonus as part of the Victorian Budget 2024-25, which is desgined to help parents battle the costs of school uniforms, camps and sports. Victorian Budget

The package will provide $400 in support for every child at government schools, and eligible concession card holders at non-government schools.

Delivered through schools, the boost will help up to 700,000 students with uniforms, camps, excursions and sporting events at school.

The once-off Bonus will be applied for each child, but can be spent per family , so a family with three school children will receive $1200 in support to spend on school costs.

The state government said it will work closely with the Department of Education on how to make the process easiest for families.

Support will be provided in two ways: a credit towards the cost of participating in activities in school, and vouchers for parents to help with purchasing school uniforms.

The Bonus will be provided during term four of this year to prepare for the next school year ahead, more guidance will be provided to families in term three.

Premier Jacinta Allan said, “We’re delivering a Budget that’s helping Victorian families – and the School Saving Bonus sits at the heart of our plan to ease cost-of-living pressures for families right across the state.”

“We won’t let any child miss out on the things that make Victorian education great, so we’re giving families the flexibility to use the School Saving Bonus on the things they need – from sports to camps, excursions and uniforms.”