Pause for thought

205064_02205064_09Meeting . 21.02.20 . ( Mark Wilson) residents are concerned about Maddingley Brown Coal accepting toxic soil .

Ewen McRae

By Ewen McRae

Moorabool council has called for decisions on three major potential projects to be put off, in light of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Moorabool mayor David Edwards said it was impossible for proper public consultation to occur during this time and it would be unfair for decisions to be made without adequate input from the local community.

Major projects currently being considered for the region include Maddingley Brown Coal’s tender to accept contaminated soil from the West Gate Tunnel project, the potential amalgamation of Djerriwarrh Health Services and Western Health, and a proposal to build a high voltage transmission line across the shire.

Council said public consultation on the high voltage transmission line was due to begin last week and a decision to award the contract to store the contaminated soil is imminent.

“Given the State-of-Emergency declared by Premier Daniel Andrews, the Victorian government and other decision-makers should hit the pause button until the situation allows for proper community consultation to occur,” Cr Edwards said.

“The priority for our residents at this time must be protecting the health and wellbeing of themselves and their loved ones.

“To ask them to also consider the impacts of contaminated soil, giant transmission towers and potential local job losses due to a health merger, is expecting too much of our community.”

Meanwhile, Moorabool council has closed a number of buildings and services to try and slow the spread of the virus.

Among the closures are libraries in Darley and Ballan, occasional care, Darley Early Years Hub, senior citizens centres, Bacchus Marsh Leisure Centre, and the Bacchus Marsh visitor information centre.

Maternal child health, immunisations, meals on wheels, and waste collection will still occur as normal.

Council chief executive Derek Madden urged residents to stay up to date on the latest information surrounding the virus.

“The measures we are putting in place, we believe, are essential to slowing the spread of the virus,” Mr Madden said.

“We appreciate the public’s understanding regarding this and refer anyone with concerns around COVID-19 to the Health and Human Services departmental website: which provides up to date and accurate information.”