Parade rich in colour

Rockbank Primary School Harmony Day celebrations. Maria in Macedonian costume, Avleen in Punjab costume and Harman in Punjab costume.

By Esther Lauaki

Rockbank Primary School celebrated diversity and tradition last week.

Pupils donned cultural costumes for a colourful parade in honour of Harmony Day last Friday.

Principal Darryl Spiteri said the children were proud to showcase their differences.

“We celebrated Harmony Day as a school with a parade and activities in the classroom that reflect our cultural diversity,” Mr Spiteri said.

“It was wonderful to see so many parents present and to see so many children wearing national costumes or the colour orange, which is the official colour of Harmony Day.

“Harmony Day is in its 20th year and is celebrated to reinforce with children that Australia is a highly successful multicultural society that contains many different nationalities and religions.

“We can learn a lot from the ways children interact with others, especially in the ways that they don’t see race or colour.”