Our top Othello fellow

By Esther Lauaki

Ivan Chan’s never-say-die attitude and a calm head is what he will need to win a world title.

The Taylors Hill resident is one of four teammates to represent Australia this month at the World Othello Competition in Tokyo.

Mr Chan took up Othello, a strategy board game for two, also called Reversi, as a child because he was “fascinated” by the game.

“I always played when I was a kid on the computer,” he said. “Then I found out there was a competition in Australia, in St Kilda, and I was happy to play against a real human being.

“When I was called up to play for Australia I thought it was a great opportunity.”

His philosophy on life and the game are one in the same – “It ain’t over till it’s over”.

“Othello teaches me how to see things in the long term perspective, practise to be patient and calm, and accept that nothing is permanent.

“Unlike chess, you don’t simply take your rival’s discs permanently. In Othello, you only flip them and turn them into yours temporarily.

“You only know if you have those discs permanently when the game is completed.

“We can also apply this on life that sometimes we think we have the upper hand, get carried away too soon then fail; or we think we are down and out but we make the greatest comeback.”

Mr Chan is fundraising to help with his travel expenses. Donate: bit.ly/2o2BuUV