Open house celebration

By Ewen McRae

It has been 10 years since The House of Light spiritualist church opened its doors in Melton, and it celebrated the special milestone at the weekend.

Ministers Gordon McKenzie and Jennifer Valls say the church’s longevity is testament to their welcoming and positive ways.

“We are part of the One Light Federation, which means no boundaries, no walls, and we are open to everybody,” Mr McKenzie said.

“Our belief is that is the way it should be, everybody welcome and then bringing forth the message and the inspiration to help people be better people.

“It is essentially about encouraging people to shine their own light and be the best they can be.”

Ms Valls said the church – which is run out of The Bluestone in Palmerston Street, Melton – was meant to be.

“I live in Eltham, but my spirit guides came to me and started drawing the picture of where the church will be,” she said.

“I started drawing what I was shown, and Gordon said he had seen that in Melton, and I kept seeing bluestone and that’s what was here.

“Our first service had 41 people, so it struck a cord straight away.”

On top of the regular services, the church also runs meditation sessions, mediumship classes, and confidence circles.

“Our motto has always been about igniting the light, and sharing that light with everybody else,” Ms Valls said.