One year of no library fees

(Damjan Janevski) 247842_04

Since Melton council abolished fines for overdue items a year ago over 2500 library patrons have returned after having their outstanding fines cleared.

Council found abolishing fines made library services more accessible and more welcoming to more people.

Research shows that library fines are not effective in encouraging borrowers to return items on time and can, in fact, discourage people from visiting the library at all.

The decision to remove fines for overdue items has been an important step in increasing access to library collections and services.

It’s been a bumper year for Melton City Libraries with over 380,000 visitors checking out over 620,000 items.

Melton City Libraries also ran nearly 1000 events and over 700 home delivery trips this year.

Melton mayor Lara Carli said abolishing fines has made our libraries more welcoming and truly community spaces.

“It is wonderful to see so many people return to being library regulars since we cleared all the outstanding fines,” she said.

“It doesn’t matter if you’ve been using the library for years, have only just signed up, or are still yet to check out your local library – everyone is welcome.”
