On ya bike

Amelia (front), with Tejas, Ebony and Violet will take part in ride to school day at Pentland Primary School. (Damjan Janevski)

Pentland Primary School pupils are gearing up for National Ride2School Day later this month.

On Friday March 25, Pentland’s pupils will join more than 300,000 children across the country in commuting to school via some form of active travel.

The annual initiative was devised to encourage young people to have a healthy start to the day. This will be the first year Pentland has participated.

Pentland assistant principal Sky Walter said she was hoping to see plenty of the school’s 392 pupils taking part.

“We’re always encouraging kids be active,” Mr Walter said.

“We lead a walk around the school every morning to get kids out and about around school.

“It’s great to see more and more kids riding to school and meeting up with friends along the way. Sometimes even the parents ride with them.”

Mr Walter said it was particularly pleasing to see the children file through the school gates each morning, given the restrictions around in-person learning throughout the pandemic.

“It’s fantastic having them all back, they’ve all come back really settled, happy and excited,” she said.