Not your average bear

Constable Stephanie Iskra.

By Esther Lauaki

Lions and bears are helping Caroline Springs police officers spread the warm and fuzzies.

Caroline Springs Lions Club president Nadeem Hafiz and secretary Rashid Bashir delivered 18 Care Bears to Caroline Springs police station last week to aid young children experiencing trauma.

Sergeant Laura Woolfe said the bears were important in communicating with the most vulnerable victims of crime.

“The Care Bears are a great tool for us to provide to children who come to the police station and have been exposed to violence and trauma,” Sergeant Woolfe said.

“We deal with children with trauma all the time. The bears are important to our work … they mean that when we approach a child, they will feel a bit more comfortable.

“It takes their mind off the trauma that they have experienced.”

Sergeant Woolfe thanked the Caroline Springs Lions Club, which raised money for the bears through membership fees and events.