New use for old wood

Felled trees that made way for the Ballarat line upgrade will be re-used at Pinkerton Forest for native animals to make their home.

Logs from trees, mostly sheoaks, which were removed for construction work on the rail line, will be placed strategically around the forest among indigenous plants to encourage wildlife to nest.

Regional Rail Revival director Mark Havryluk said that it was a joint initiative between the revival consortium, Western Water and Pinkerton Landcare and Environment Group (PLEG).

“It was necessary to remove some trees to make way for new tracks and infrastructure as part of the Ballarat Line Upgrade and we’ve worked with the local community to ensure the trees can be used to benefit the local environment,” Mr Havryluk.

“Construction on the Ballarat Line Upgrade is on track and once it is complete, the project will boost service frequency and improve reliability for passengers.”

He said that the trees removed were in the direct line of new tracks or station infrastructure being built. Where possible, construction methods and design were changed to reduce the need for tree and vegetation removal.

PLEG secretary Daryl Akers said the land between Pinkerton Forest and Bush’s Paddock in Mt Cottrell had been rehabilitated by volunteers to create a wildlife corridor.