New school aims high

Principal David Lombardi and deputy Kasey Simpson

By Esther Lauaki

Enrolments have opened for Burnside’s newest school.

Principal David Lombardi and assistant principal Kasey Simpson will be leading Burnside Primary School when it opens for next year’s first term.

Mr Lombardi has come across from Footscray North Primary School, where he was principal for three years and assistant principal for six years before that.

“What we want to do is have a holistic approach to education at Burnside Primary School,” he said.

“We’ll seek to provide duality between high academic rigor as well as high level of support for emotional and social intelligence.

“Over the next few months, our school site will begin to take shape, in the meantime I will be building our team around a school culture based on a safe and supportive learning environment that motivates and challenges our students.

“Burnside Primary School will not just be a school committed to high academic standards. We will work to inspire curious, critical and creative thinkers and problem solvers who are technologically literate and capable of bringing about positive change in the world.”

Mr Lombardi said he would work with the local community, pupils and parents to create a school for the area that “embodies excellence and opportunity for learners”.

The school received $5.6 million state funding in April to enable completion of the final stage of construction, including a performing arts and physical education building, basketball court, gym storeroom, music room, staff area, multipurpose room and canteen and student and staff amenities.

The school is set to accommodate up to 475 students next year.

For more information about the school, go to