New opportunities for all-abilities sport and recreation


Applications are now open for the state government’s new $13.5 million All Abilities Workforce and Sector Support Program – supporting organisations to build their workforce and training resources to help people with disability find a secure job in sport and recreation at all levels.

The program helps organisations create new opportunities for people with disability to get involved in sport by taking on roles as coaches, officials, team managers, administrators and board members across all levels of sport and recreation.

Eligible organisations include state sport and active recreation bodies, regional sports assemblies, disability organisations, and peak body organisations with experience in promoting change and inclusion in workforce settings.

With more than one million people in Victoria living with disability and only 55 per cent participating in sport and recreation, the program sets out to help prepare the workplaces and the sector to support and empower people with disability to lead exciting careers in sport and recreation.

The program also aims to encourage inclusive practices and develop training and learning resources – funding of up to $2.5 million is available to establish a Learning and Development Hub.

Community Sport Minister Ros Spence said organisations are encouraged to apply and help build new and exciting career opportunities for people with disability in the sports sector.

“This new program will help increase opportunities for Victorians with disability in various roles including as instructors, coaches, volunteers or administrators in all levels of sport,” she said.
