New life for old gear

Pic of mum Nicole Brasher and her sons Dylan and Aidan, they started a charity to collect second hand cricket gear to donate to Reclink.. Photo by Damjan Janevski. 225390_02

Tara Murray

This was one of Star Weekly’s top stories from 2021.

Here’s your chance to read it if you missed it the first time.

February 2

A Taylors Lakes family has launched a charity aimed at providing second-hand cricket gear to Australian families.

The Brasher family had plenty of cricket gear they no longer needed, and were keen to pass on the items to other families so they could be put to good use.

When they couldn’t find a charity or organisation that donated secondhand gear, they took matters into their own hands and started 2nd Innings Cricket.

Mum Nicole said both her sons had amazing experiences with sport and they wanted to give others the same opportunity.

Dylan and Aidan started their cricket careers at Taylors Lakes and now play for Footscray in Victorian Premier Cricket. Dylan has represented Victoria on a number of occasions.

“We’ve always wanted to do something and help other kids enjoy sport,” Nicole said.

“We thought we would try and recycle the cricket equipment. Dylan is sponsored by ICON and there’s a lot of gear in good nick.

“We tried to find somewhere in Australia to donate, but we couldn’t find anywhere.

“We could find places to donate overseas, but wanted to donate to people in Australia.

She said 2nd Innings Cricket would look to donate gear to a different charity each year. This year, they’re donating to Reclink, an organisation which provides low or no cost sports, recreation and arts opportunities to people experiencing disadvantage.

The family has put a call out to anybody else in Brimbank who has used cricket gear lying around that they want to donate

They’ve also contacted cricket clubs in Brimbank, asking them to come on board.

Nicole said, there’s been a good reaction so far.

2nd Innings cricket will host a barbecue at Taylors Lakes Cricket Club on February 16 from 7pm for anyone wanting to drop off gear to be donated.

To organise for equipment to be picked up, contact

Tara Murray