New health charity for Moorabool’s west

WMFL members Julie Dargan, Robert Eskdale, Tor Roxburgh and Ann Griffin. (Damjan Janevski) 369425_01

Liam McNally

A new charity organisation focused on addressing health and preventing disease in west Moorabool has launched, and is seeking new members.

The West Moorabool Foundation Limited (WMFL) has identified type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, dementia and mental health illnesses as diseases particularly affecting Moorabool’s population.

WMFL secretary Tor Roxburgh the foundation can act in relation to other diseases, and will be flexible in its approach to promoting the conditions for good health.

“The foundation aims to improve the health and wellbeing of residents and workers in the shire,” she said.

“We can partner with local health providers, but our aims are slightly different. Whereas the shire’s health services offer treatment, the foundation can invest in prevention.

“This is an exciting area that doesn’t currently receive much funding.

The West Moorabool Foundation was established with a gift from the Ballan District Health & Care Association after the Association’s operations and properties were sold to mecwacare.

The foundation will begin spending money in the community in about 12 months’ time, when it receives the interest on its investments.

The foundation’s directors are all volunteers who live in west Moorabool.

Ms Roxburgh said the organisation, which just hosted its first AGM, is also keen to get new members on board.

“The foundation intends to have consultative meetings with members to seek their suggestions on what they believe are some of the major health concerns in the West Moorabool, and what preventive measures we could pursue,” she said.

“There may also be opportunities to join sub-committees to work out what spending, and which programs and initiatives, are most likely to benefit our community.

“We had a very fruitful AGM last week… The members and the directors had a lively discussion about how members can and should be involved in the Foundation’s work. As we are a new charity, the way forward is still evolving, but the directors are committed to a transparent and collaborative approach.”

Anyone living or working in Moorabool can apply to become a member of the WMFL online.
