New group to look at the past

Tim and Irene Hogan are part of the Darley Neighbourhood House family history group. (Damjan Janevski). 406447_02

When Darley Neighbourhood House put out the idea of forming a family history group they were unsure what the reaction would be.

Looking for ideas and activities that would work in the community, the group hold an initial session in early May and were overwhelmed by the response.

“It was an opportunity for people to come together and learn from each other,” said house manager Renee Knight.

“It was one of those ideas where we wanted to see is there was some interest in forming a group.

“There were a couple of locals who had some interest in family history who helped us test and the waters.

“In terms of numbers we were hopeful of getting five or six, we had 12 come along to the first meeting.”

One local Tim Hogan, who had a bit of experience in family history research, gave a bit of a run down and was able to get the conversation going.

With the interest, the house is going to have a family history group meet once a month, with the members to have their chance in helping form how the group grows.

“The key thing is the community get something out of it,” Ms Knight said. “The first meeting we had some people with lots of experience and some who were real beginners.”

The group will meet the first Thursday of every month at 1.30pm at the neighbourhood house.

New members are welcome with Ms Knight saying the more people involved the more information that will be shared.