New funding to support LGBTIQ+ community


Applications are now open for the 2023 LGBTIQ+ Leadership Program, supported by the state government.

For the first time this year the program will be tailored to regional and rural participants, to allow leaders to develop their skills and build their networks to tackle the experiences of regional LGBTIQ+ people.

“The Leadership Program will support at least 25 leaders from across the regions to develop their expertise in a safe and supportive environment that will address their unique experiences and needs,” the government said.

“Grants are also open for LGBTIQ+ organisations and groups across Victoria to strengthen their operations, with $700,000 of LGBTIQ+ Organisational Development Grants on offer to support groups’ sustainability, develop inclusive practices, and strengthen their engagement with diverse LGBTIQ+ communities.

“Grants of up to $25,000 are available for new or emerging LGBTIQ+ groups, and up to $50,000 available for long-established LGBTIQ+ organisations. This year’s program will prioritise activities and groups supporting LGBTIQ+ multicultural and First Nations communities, people with disability and regional rainbow communities.”

Applications for the leadership program close on March 13:

Applications for the development grant close March 10: