New display details history of Bacchus Marsh

Historical Timeline in Lerderderg Library (supplied).

The Bacchus Marsh and District Historical Society has announced the opening of its latest wall display.

Located in the Lerderderg Library, the display shows local historical events along a timeline, beginning with British colonisation in 1788 and continuing all the way through to the year 2000.

President John Spain said the inclusion of regional and global events provided a fresh context and a unique lens for viewers to understand the significance of events.

“It’s a little different from previous displays in that happenings outside our district are displayed with images of Bacchus Marsh from the same time periods” he said.

“For example, the establishment of the Bacchus Marsh Primary School occurred in the year before the discovery of gold at Buninyong.”

Mr Spain said this newest edition incorporates modern technology to allow for a deeper learning experience.

“The society has also, for the first time, included QR codes in the display. Visitors to the display can use the QR codes with their mobile phones to access detailed historical information about the depicted events,” he said.

Another new feature of the display is the use of ‘before’ and ‘after’ images, highlighting how much the local landscape had changed over the years.

The wall display will be up for the coming months.

Eddie Russell