New childcare centre for Melton

Eddie Russell

Weir Views is set to receive an early learning and childcare centre (ELCC) in 2026.

The new ELCC will be built at Toolern Waters Primary School, which is currently undergoing construction in preparation for its January 2026 opening.

Melton MP Steve McGhie says the addition will provide the future generation with the necessary early learning experiences it needs.

“We’re investing in children and the local community here in Weir Views. Every family deserves to have access to local and affordable early childhood education and care,” he said.

“I’m excited about the opportunities these facilities will bring for local children, local schools and their communities.”

Mr McGhie said the convenience will save parents from added time and stress.

“This new initiative will make the transition between kinder and prep seamless and help families avoid the dreaded double drop-off.”

The ELCC is designed to meet demand for the area’s growing population, which has faced a shortage of early learning facilities.

It will also feature dedicated community space for programs and services like maternal and child health, allied health, playgroups or other child and family services.

Toolern Waters Primary School will have places for up to 715 students, including 65 students with disabilities, to help ease pressure on surrounding schools trying to cope with increasing enrolments.