Neighbours make good friends

Lisa Fitzpatrick with her dog Evie and Lisa's painting of Evie. (Damjan Janevski). 405984_01

Ever wanted to put your furry best friend onto some art work? Well here is your chance.

Neighbourhood Houses in Melton will be a hive of activity for Neighbourhood Houses Victoria week this week.

The week which runs from May 13-19 and celebrates the impact neighbourhood houses and community centres have on communities

There are eight funded neighbourhood houses in Melton, five council operated and three non-council operated, which run alongside other community centres.

Melton council is facilitating a series of free workshops throughout the week.

Some of those activities include a super science kids workshop, hand building pottery for beginners, restorative yoga and candle making workshop, a pet portrait workshop, Elder rights workshop and a zero food waste cooking workshop.
