Neighbourly is Melton for fun

PiCNIC 4-5-17 Hillside Neighbout Hood House Picnic. Levi and Ethan both aged 3 yrs. They are cousins

A teddy bear’s picnic, an exhibition of fashion garments created by Melton youngsters, feng shui techniques – there will be plenty to experience at this year’s Neighbourhood House Week celebrations in Melton.

Melton mayor Sophie Ramsey is encouraging everyone to head along to their local neighbourhood houses and “join in the fun”.

“Neighbourhood houses are for everyone in the community,” Cr Ramsey says.

“People connect, laugh, share, learn, make friends and find opportunities to grow in a Neighbourhood House.”

There are neighbourhood houses at Melton, Hillside, Melton South, Caroline Springs and Taylors Hill that will be offering a range of activities from May 8-14. For more information about what’s on, visit