Commemorative plaques stolen

Graham Dempsey at the avenue where 22 plaques were stolen. Picture: Joe Mastroianni

Almost half the brass plaques commemorating “significant people” in Melton’s history have been stolen.

When Melton Valley Rotary Club member Graham Dempsey visited the Federation Drive Avenue of Honour earlier this month to install a plaque for Anzac Day commemorations, he noticed 22 of 50 others had been stolen.

“Bloody hell. I’ve spent years putting those in,” he told Star Weekly. “I can’t believe people would be so low.

“These plaques commemorate significant people of the area. I hope [police] get the mongrels who did it.”

While there was no damage done to any of the trees, Mr Dempsey said the plaques had been “badly” prised from their concrete bases.

Sergeant Steve Cook, of Melton police, said the plaques were stolen some time between late March and early April. He pleaded with anyone with information to come forward.

“These people are ne’er-do-wells who need to have a low character to do something like this,” Sergeant Cook said.

“These memorials are to remember and commemorate people who have a significant connection to Melton.”

The plaques are 20 centimetres by 10 centimetres and have the logo and name of Melton Valley Rotary Club.

Sergeant Cook urged people working at metal scrap yards to keep an eye out for them.

“The only thing that can be done with the plaques is to melt them down to sell as scrap… they’d be lucky if they get $5,” he said.

Anyone with information is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or Senior Constable Richard Lang at Melton police station on 9747 7999.