My Place: Christian Hansen

Christian Hansen is a Melton artist who has his exhibition Elements of Hannah Watts on display at the Melton library. (Damjan Janevski). 295692_02

Christian Hansen is a Melton artist, who is passionate about colonial history and telling stories. He currently has an exhibition at Melton Library called ‘Elements of Hannah Watts’, celebrating the story of an iconic Melton historical figure.

What’s your connection to Melton?

My mum lives in Melton so I moved here 10 to 12 years ago.

What do you like about where you live?

The open spaces and how it’s slowly becoming contemporary, like the newer parks. I like going outside because I like all the nature. I love seeing people enjoy the open spaces, like kids enjoying the playgrounds.

What, if anything, would you change about where you live?

I would like there to be a theatre. I like performance, with my art I want to go into set design for theatre. It would be great to have children’s theatre, with families. I’m a children’s book illustrator, so my goal is to turn my book into a piece of theatre.

Where is your favourite local place to spend time?

I like Hannah Watts Park, the colonial side, being an artist I don’t like too many people. I’m a bit of a solo person. I like the Botanical Gardens, with the native trees and flora. I also like the Golden Fleece Hotel and Willows Historic Park. I’m a park person.

When did you start creating artwork?

About fifteen years ago, just with paper sculpture, I just started making things out of paper first, just cutting things out. I then went to drawing and then painting, now I’m going into 3D work, becoming a ceramist and bronze sculpture. I draw and paint a lot, but it’s easier to put a story into a sculpture. You can tell there’s more poetry in a sculpture.

What do you love about making art?

I love people to see and experience my world. My message is it’s never the end, it’s just a moment in time.