My Place

Lenny Pearce. (Damjan Janevski) 414660_02

Eynesbury’s Lenny Pearce is DJ who makes electronic remixes of classic children’s songs and viral online video content on platforms like TikTok and Instagram. He spoke to Eddie Russell about his connection to the local community.

Tell us a bit about yourself and what you do?

Lately I’m most known for my nursery rhyme remixes and production. I’ve gained plenty of followers on TikTok and Instagram in the last year and I’ve released an EDM album with the Wiggles, which is the first in history. I’ve got my almost sold out Little Ravers tour coming up and my first performance is at the Eynesbury Winter Festival.

What’s your connection to Melton?

I live in the estate of Eynesbury. I shoot a lot of my content around here – it’s home to my content, especially what’s happened in the last year for my career and presence on social media. It has been heavily involved with this area, which is really cool. My step son goes to school and my daughter goes to day care in the area.

What do you like about where you live?

I grew up in Sydney, so coming out here, it is really nice to be away from all the chaos. It’s really peaceful with cows and the farm and the really nice houses. It’s pretty open; it feels like you’re in a different country. And I think that’s got a lot to do with my all processes. Every day, driving in and out of Eynesbury, I’m just staring into the cows. The homestead is really nice too.

What, if anything, would you change about where you live?

Putting a shopping centre in, but I don’t know if that’s going to change the country aesthetic, so maybe just a bigger general store. But I think that’s going to happen eventually anyway

Where is your favourite local place to spend time?

I’m mainly just at home, but when we go out I love Miss Peacock. The restaurant itself is really nice and the food as well – we love it as a family. We order the Prosciutto de San Daniele pizza basically every week.

Tell us something people would be surprised to know about you?

I was in a dance crew called Justice Crew back in the day. We won Australia’s Got Talent in 2010 and had a string of hit songs after. I am also in the Little Athletics Australia Hall of Fame. Me and my brother John, who I was in Justice Crew with, were Australian champions. I did triple jump and long jump and our aim was to go into the Olympics until Justice Crew started and I took that path. The long jump pit and the high jump mat is where we learnt to do our flips. Athletics was a huge part of our life growing up and it was my dream at one point.