My Place

Kamal Arora. (Damjan Janevski) 397079_01

Kamal Arora is a Kurunjang resident who, outside his full-time work in records management, volunteers for Sri Durga Temple in Deanside and volunteers for an NDIS provider in Truganina. He spoke to Star Weekly about his connection to the local area.

Tell us a bit about you and what you do?

I moved from India to Australia in 2006. I lived in Perth for a couple of years but mostly lived in Melbourne, travelled across western and southern states of Australia. Initially, I started working with Woolies and later found my place in records management.

Tell us about your connection to Sri Durga?

When my daughter started learning classical dance over the weekends we started visiting the temple regularly, I saw the work happening and felt that this work is never ending so I starting helping at each event. Duties range from driving elderly to and from their place, decorations in the temple, purchasing supplies when needed and kitchen duties.

Tell us about your connection to Melton?

We moved in from St Albans’ bustling streets to our calmer courts of Melton and bought our first home in 2014.

What do you like about where you live?

I like large blocks, quiet streets, creeks, walks, treks near Bacchus Marsh and the school near our place.

What, if anything, would you change about where you live?

We are a growing family with two kids plus we are nature lovers who like to live away from sharp construction noises and busy traffic. I find that open spaces are very important for growing up children. We are already living a dream, however, if situations and economics stay favourable, Darley is another suburb we can think about going to.

Where is your favourite local place to spend time?

It is difficut to find spare time with 2 young children, yet we go to Hannah Watts parks and Naven Park near Harkness and we don’t miss Djerriwarrah Festivals. Our Sundays are mostly spent in temple where children are engaged in learning and we both volunteer

Tell us something people would be surprised to know about you.

I developed an odd skill over the COVID lockdowns – while gardening and pruning our trees i collected a lot of sticks and turned some of them into magic wands. Well, they don’t have magic in them but kids enjoy playing with them. I also made a lot of whistles out of sticks. I gave out more than 50 whistles to children. I have some more left, if anyone want free whistles please reach out to me.

Is there anything else you’d like to say?

It is just a worry on my mind for a while that we humans are not easy on our planet. We have become hardcore consumers and our actions may bring climate challenges for our children and next generations to come. A Smaller wardrobe collection, recycling, bicycle riding for short trips instead of driving could be a small lifestyle change if practiced collectively will reduce carbon emissions. I wish global warming was not real.