MY PLACE- Helen Lyne

By Ewen McRae

Helen Lyne is the leader of the Melton Parkinson’s Support Group. She spoke with Ewen McRae.

What is your connection to the region?


After renting in Bacchus Marsh for two years my family bought a home in 1978 in Darley. My two children attended Darley Primary School.


What do you like best about the area?


Our neighbours and friends, and here in Bacchus Marsh clinging on to that friendly country town atmosphere.


What could make the area better?


Beautification of the entrances to the whole town area from all directions. A community hub, more walking and cycling tracks.


Where is your favourite place to go for a feed in the area?


Lola’s in Main Street, Bacchus Marsh is great.


Can you tell me about the Melton Parkinson’s Support Group and what the group does?


Being diagnosed with Parkinson’s is a personal experience that no one should face alone. Support and information can make a significant and positive difference to the lives of those living with Parkinson’s, their families and carers. The Melton Parkinson’s Support group provides such support. The support group does just that – information and support. You are not alone.


Why is this group so important?


The group not only gives support, as everyone’s Parkinson’s symptoms are different, it’s a chance for individuals/families to come together and share their experiences, socialise and walk this path together.


April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month, what activities does the group have on and what message do you want to get out to the public during the month?


Parkinson’s Vic is providing a guest speaker at our next meeting on April 11, 10.30am at Melton Health (195 Barries Road). For more information phone 0409 186 576. In April we are having a membership drive.