My Place

Melton Lady's Probus Club president Dianne Mair with meet and greet lady Shirley Veal. (Damjan Janevski) 344357_03.

Dianne Mair is the president of the Melton Ladies Probus Club who first moved to Melton over 50 years ago. She spoke to Star Weekly about her work with Probus and her connection to the area.

What’s your connection to Melton?

I moved to Melton with my parents and siblings in December 1970 when the population was about 3,000.

A lot has changed since then that’s for sure, although l did like the open spaces we had back then. I remember the first set of traffic lights going up in High St. We would walk to Melton Railway Station in our old shoes, leave them at the station and put our good shoes on to go to work, our old shoes would still be there when we arrived back at the Station. They were great times back then.

My children grew up here, they enjoyed all sorts of sports. During that same time l did a milk delivery round for Cahill’s Dairy while another driver was on holidays, my run was West Melton. l also worked at the Turkey Farm on Minns Rd of a Sunday afternoon, now that place was interesting to work at. Once my children started High School l became a Lollypop Lady, working in Palmerston St… come rain, hail or shine, l would be out there making sure the crossing was safe for the children in that area.

Tell us about your work with Probus, and any other work in Melton you would like to share?

I joined the Melton Valley Ladies Probus Club in 2004, where l was Treasurer for 3 consecutive years, l enjoyed the friendship with all the ladies, l resigned from that club July 2010 when both my parents were starting to have health issues.

Both of my Parents belonged to Probus Clubs, my dad George Ball was the Foundation president of the Melton Men’s Probus Club and my Mum Nancy Ball is the Foundation Treasurer of Melton Ladies Probus Club and is still a Member after 33 years.

So being Mums Carer, l joined Melton Ladies Probus Club in December 2013. Our club is full of Fun, Friendship and Fellowship which is the Probus motto.

In 2019 l was nominated President, l have a wonderful Committee team with me, they are very helpful and caring, enjoying our monthly meetings at the Melton Country Club. We have a guest speaker each month, we go on bus trips and other outings. I am very humbled and proud to be the current president of our club.

What, if anything, would you change about where you live?

I wouldn’t change anything where l live, l’m happy and content with my surrounds.

Where is your favourite local place to spend time?

I have been taking my Mum to Bunnings every Sunday for a coffee and a wander around the Nursery for about 10 years now, the staff are very friendly and always so helpful when we need help finding something. We can’t leave until we have bought a sausage either. Doesn’t matter who is selling them, they all taste different, but we are both supporting that particular charity on the day.

Tell us something people would be surprised to know about

Back in 2005, Ron Blaskett, the Ventriloquist with Gerry Gee chose me to be his Dummy for a little while, so l donned a bright orange, curly wig and l became his Geraldine, all l had to do was open and close my mouth on command, l haven’t laughed so much like that for a while, it was truly a great day being his Dummy.