My Place

Lauren Matthews is an artist and activist from Ballan. (Damjan Janevski) 330053_07

Ballan artist, activist and PhD candidate Lauren Matthews tells Liam McNally about her work in the community and connection to Moorabool.

Tell us a bit about you and what you do?

I am working full time on my PhD, where I am exploring how artists who have experienced trauma can contribute to social change using textiles. As part of this, I create a range of works exploring my own experiences that I document through quilts and embroidery installations. I also create textile works that document the wild world of Facebook marketplace, while highlighting social issues. I run sit and stitch sessions. I am active in the community, including the Lions Club of Quilters Victoria and I coordinate the Raising Rainbows initiative as part of the ChillOut Festival, where we work to put flagpoles and Pride Flags in schools across Victoria to promote inclusion and combat homophobia.

I also love spending time at home with my partner Ash and dog Banjo, binge watching TV and being angry about how nothing grows in my vegetable garden – yet I am not that proactive about solving the problem.

What’s your connection to Ballan and Moorabool?

We were fortunate enough to buy a home in Ballan in 2019. Ash and I were living in Daylesford and wanting to buy a home in the region, it turns out that we had both had our eye on the same house in Ballan for months yet hadn’t said told each other, so it was meant to be!

What do you like about where you live?

It is wonderful to live on beautiful Wadawarrung country. We have made so many friends here in Ballan. The community spirit and commitment to volunteering here means there is always something interesting happening! Having access to the train is a great bonus and we have so many great community organisations, including The Ballan Arts Space and Collective, and Ballan Community Health, where you will often find me having a laugh doing aqua circuit!

What, if anything, would you change about where you live?

It’s great as it, although if the CWA Devonshire Tea could be on every week that would be a bonus! Plus I would love to see Moorabool Shire Council fly the Pride Flag year round.

Where is your favourite local place to spend time?

There are a few! I love popping into Millrose Cottage and Chrissie’s Timeless Treasures and buying all my stitching supplies. Thursday night Tai Chi at the Ballan Mechanics Institute is great fun. I also love grabbing a coffee and slice at the Tin Plate and Sunday lunch at the Gordon Hotel.

Tell us something people would be surprised to know about you.

I was once helicoptered into AAMI Park to hand over the Melbourne Heart match ball before a game.