MY MELTON: Glen Ludbrook

Glen Ludbrook

What is your connection to Melton?

I live in Melton and work as a lawyer at the Brimbank Melton Community Legal Centre, a project of commUnity Plus.

How long have you lived in the area?

Fifteen years.

How long have you been practising law?

I have been practising law for 49 years. I spent 45 years working in private practice and four years working in community legal centres.

What made you enter the field?

The quest for justice for the disadvantaged.

What are you passionate about?

I am passionate about law reform – for example. standard mortgages and insurance policies.

What services do you provide at Melton library?

We provide legal advice and possibly even case work in various areas of law. These include criminal law, family violence, family law, infringements, consumer disputes, motor vehicle accidents, tenancy and fencing disputes.

What would people be surprised to know about you?

I used to be a good footballer and I am a passionate St Kilda supporter.

What is the best thing about living in Melton?

I have great neighbours. Living in Melton gives you the benefits of city living as it is in such close proximity to Melbourne CBD – but you’re still far enough to not get caught in the traffic! Melton also has exceptional facilities. Melton library is a fantastic, free facility with great resources and services for all ages.

If you could change anything about the area, what would it be?

Melton should have its own hospital and, ideally, its own court.