MY BALLAN: David Llewellyn

At Ballan Community Health Dr. David Llwellan serves the local community

What is your connection to Moorabool?


I live in Ballarat but have worked here full-time for the past five years in Ballan and was part-time for a little over a year before that. I’ve signed on to continue working at Ballan Community Health for another five years.


How long have you been a doctor?


I’ve been a doctor for 30 years. I’m a GP, but I’m one of the old-school ones. I was doing procedural obstetrics and general practice in New South Wales, and was there for about 11 years. The people were very nice to work with.


What brought you to Ballan for work?


I came to Ballan Community Health because of the facilities. I was aware through contacts and friends that it was one of the public Superclinics that seemed to work well. I wanted to know what it was like to be part of that.


Tell me about what keeps you in Ballan.


The community is why you stay in an area as a doctor. I’ve worked in a number of places and I really like the people in Ballan … it’s quite a privilege to serve in this town.


What would people be surprised to know about you?


Plenty! I have too many interests for one lifetime and medicine is just one of them. I tend to keep my work and my interests very separate.


What is the best thing about Moorabool?


I don’t fancy myself working in a city – I just don’t like the ethos. The people are different in regional towns – the people are more attractive to deal with. I was familiar with this area from travelling here over many years, but working here has allowed me to get to know the people better. I’ve met some really interesting people, which makes working here great. That’s the best thing about this community.