Michelle ready to shake it up

By Sumeyya Ilanbey

Michelle Mendes is heading to Spain next month to shake it up and raise money for Parkinson’s research.

The Kurunjang resident, and Melton councillor, has been living with Parkinson’s for the past six years. In that time, she’s been admitted to hospital “quite a few times” and had issues with her digestion.

“Sometimes you develop a limp because of sore limbs … and winter’s hard because it tightens your bones,” Ms Mendes says of living with Parkinson’s.

“I’ve had a great run this year, but there are other times where you fall into a heap.”

Over the years, she’s raised more than $14,000 for Parkinson’s Victoria thanks to the generosity of the Melton community.

This year she’s heading to Spain to do a 10-day walk from Madrid to Barcelona to raise money for the Shake It Up Australia Foundation.

Ms Mendes said she hoped a cure was imminent with all the research being done around the disorder.

“And the more people who get behind it, the more chance you have of finding a cure,” Ms Mendes said.

To donate, visit: https://donate.grassrootz.com/shakeitupaust/camino-for-a-cure-trek-for-parkinsons-2018/shake-it-up-in-spain