A transformed mental health system would be part of changes coming as a result of the passing of the new Mental Health and Wellbeing Bill in Parliament recently.
As a result of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health and Wellbeing System, the new Act has replaced the Mental Health Act 2014 to support a transformed mental health system which is integrated, contemporary and adaptable and places lived experience at its heart.
The new Act would also ensure individuals seeking care are involved in decisions about their treatment and support, as well as incorporating a statement of recognition and acknowledgement of treaty process.
Mental Health Minister Gabrielle Williams said said she was proud to announce the passing of the new Mental Health and Wellbeing Bill.
“This historic milestone will make a profound change to the way we support Victorians for generations to come,” she said.
“This new Act will transform the way we deliver treatment, care and support for Victorians with mental illness as we build a new more responsive and compassionate mental health system.”
A further review of the new Mental Health and Wellbeing Act would take place in five to seven years, ensuring the new system is supporting Victorians as best it can.
Planning for the next important stage of reform has now begun with the Independent Review of compulsory mental health treatment criteria led by Justice Shane Marshall AM.