Melton’s to become fastest growing city

Melton’s population is expected to double to a whopping 260,000 people by 2031, surpassing neighbouring Brimbank to become the fastest growing municipality in the state.

A recent Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) report found Melton will grow at a rate of 4.2 per cent annually.

And while its population won’t outstrip Wyndham (360,000) or Casey (434,000), Melton is expected to be the fourth largest metropolitan council, with 88,000 households. Brimbank is expected to grow by 0.7 per cent each year, housing 220,000 people by 2031.

“In a growth area like Melton … more than twice as much growth is expected through net migration than through natural increase [more births than deaths],” a department spokesman said.

“Migration from overseas is significant, but … migration from within Melbourne is likely to be a greater contributor to growth. It is likely a significant number of the people moving to Melton may be overseas-born, but have lived elsewhere in Melbourne before moving [here].”

The spokesman said people found areas, such as Melton, Wyndham and Whittlesea attractive because they had employment and education opportunities, and amenities.

When asked if Melton had the infrastructure to keep up with its growth, the spokesman said these “projections are used by decision-makers and planners to guide the provision of services and infrastructure”.

“Having a comprehensive view of the likely future population enables those planners to make sound decisions for all Victorians.”

The DELWP report found that projected population increases were in areas where there was the “greatest capacity for dwelling growth”, such as outer growth areas and the inner city.

The growth areas and the five inner councils are expected to account for two-thirds of population growth in 2031.

Meanwhile, Moorabool has been dubbed the third-fastest growing (2.2 per cent) regional municipality, behind Mitchell (4.2) and Baw Baw (2.5). Moorabool’s population is expected to be 45,400 in 2031.

Melton council was contacted for comment.