Melton South Primary Centenary celebration

Principal Marilyn Costigan with some of the students in their centenary-dedicated room. (Damjan Janevski) 326240_01

A time-warp hit Melton South Primary School on Friday, March 31, with pupils parading through the school to launch the celebration of its 100th anniversary.

To commemorate the milestone pupils held a picnic and paraded in costumes from any decade between 1923 and today.

The launch picnic is the first of a range of activities the school is undertaking throughout their 100th year.

The school has built a centenary garden with brick pavers members of the public can sponsor to personalise, and has redesigned a classroom to appear as if it is from the year 1923, complete with wooden desks, a blackboard, and no electricity.

Centenary committee member Emma Shadwick said the room “sets the scene” to show pupils how much teaching and learning have changed over the years.

Tours of the redesigned room are being offered in conjunction with the Melton Heritage Festival, April 26 to 28.

Towards the end of the year, the school also intends to host an open gala event with details to be confirmed.

Ms Shadwick said it has been an honour to help organise the school’s celebrations.

“It has been a dream of mine to work at this school and to be able to participate in celebrating something so momentous is fantastic,” she said.

“Especially because this school means so much to our community.”
