Melton Reservoir rubbish anger mounts

An illegal dumping at Melton reservoir last year.

Old mattresses lying in the middle of the embankment, household rubbish strewn on the ground, unwanted furniture left upturned – these are the eyesores greeting visitors to Melton Reservoir.

The condition of the once-vibrant reservoir has become so bad in recent years, Melton residents say, they’re avoiding the area.

One woman, who wanted to remain anonymous, told Star Weekly the area could be developed and landscaped, but neither Melton council nor Southern Rural Water was claiming responsibility.


“It’s such a pity because it can be turned into a picnic area rather than let it get degraded,” she said.

“We’ve got old trees and wildlife there … but it’s not being used properly. If left in this condition, it will deteriorate further and further. It needs to be looked into.”


Melton council planning and development manager Luke Shannon said most of the reservoir was owned and managed by Southern Rural Water.

He said council was responsible for a section along Clarkes Road and patrolled that area weekly.

“Littering and dumping on the urban fringe is a continual challenge for local government,” Mr Shannon said. “We urge residents, if they witness acts of littering or dumping, to complete a litter report [available from our website]. These reports can be completed confidentially.

“All reports are investigated and action taken against identified offenders.”


Mr Shannon said council officers regularly patrolled rural roads and removed dumped rubbish.

Meanwhile, residents are being urged to take part in Clean Up Australia Day on Sunday, March 5. For details, go to

Melton council will host a free barbecue at Hannah Watts Park on the day as part of the national clean-up day.

For more information, call 9747 7200.

