Melton Mental health and Wellbeing Local one step closer


A new Mental health and Wellbeing Local is on track to be delivered for Melton, with providers selected to deliver the services being announced on October 17.

Mind Australia in partnership with IPC Health, MidWest Area Mental Health Service, Thorne Harbour Health Ltd and Western Health will deliver walk-in mental health care and support.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals support Victorians aged 26 years and over to get mental health and wellbeing treatment, care and support closer to home. All support is free, voluntary and easy to access, and you do not need a referral from your doctor to access help.

Mind provides psychosocial support to help people manage daily activities, rebuild and maintain connections, engage with education and employment, and participate fully in the community.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals adopt a ‘how can we help’ and ‘no wrong door’ approach, to enable more people to access the support they need, including those who have previously been unable to find the right care and/or experienced barriers to accessing services.

Support is delivered in-person, telehealth, and via outreach services and a care plan is then designed to match patient goals and preferences – family, carers and supporters can also be involved pending patient permission.

A flagship reform following the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System, the Labor Government will deliver 50 Local Services across Victoria by the end of 2026.

Mind Chief Executive Gill Callister commended the government for acting on the recommendations made in the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System and providing the community with access to fast, free and flexible mental health and wellbeing support.

“Mind is proud to be chosen to lead delivery of these four new services in Greater Dandenong, Melton, and the Greater Bendigo-Loddon-Campaspe region. We will be working with a fantastic range of support organisations so that people in need of mental health and wellbeing support can get the right mix of services to meet their needs,” he said.

Melton MP Steve McGhie said a community-based mental health service in Melton is going to be a welcome addition.

“It’s great to know that mental health care for people in Melton will soon be available in our own

backyard. Community-focused mental health care means residents can access life-changing services right here, right now,” he said.

The services are planned to commence with providing telehealth support, with centre-based services to follow.