Melton flags solidarity with LGBTIQ people

Bhutanese Group dancers at Melton City Council IDAHOBIT Celebrations.. Picture: Melton City Council.

More than 200 Melton residents flew rainbow flags and stood in solidarity on the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia.

And Melton council raised a rainbow flag, symbolising its commitment to “creating a prejudice-free world”.

There were cultural dances from a Bhutanese group, and speeches from The Mourning After author Julie DeBondt-Barker and Rainbow Network Victoria co-ordinator Jami Jones.

Melton council community planning manager Matt Wilson said: “Melton is a diverse community and the event is a way for council and community to come together in celebration.”

The event was held on May 17, marking the day the World Health Organisation declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder in 1990.