Melton’s newly established graffiti response team hit the streets last Wednesday.
The team will tackle graffiti hotspots around the municipality, investigate reports and remove graffiti from public and private buildings, structures and fences.
A council spokeswoman said it was hoped to increase community awareness of “unsightly” graffiti and reduce tagging.
“The [graffiti response team] will respond and remove from council assets all graffiti reported via the graffiti hotline within 48 hours,” she said.
Residents whose properties have been defaced can call the council to arrange for the graffiti to be removed, within 14 days or 48 hours if the tag is considered offensive.
They can also book and borrow a free graffiti systems kit or DIY graffiti removal kit.
Melton mayor Sophie Ramsey said the council was committed to improving visual amenity in the city.
“Graffiti is ugly and unsightly and has no place in the community,” the mayor said.
“Studies show that public places defaced by graffiti, including tags, make people feel unsafe and that the affected area is uncared for, and that’s not acceptable in the city of Melton.”
Report graffiti: 9747 7200
Details: www. melton.vic.gov.au/graffiti