Melton fire danger plea

Melton residents are being urged to prepare for the coming fire season before the summer heat kicks in.

The council is calling on residents to set up plans with family, friends and neighbours so they can stay safe on hot, dry and windy days.

Mayor Sophie Ramsey said it was imperative to reduce fire risks by removing weeds, firewood and other rubbish from around buildings and fencelines.

“It is important to plan ahead about when to leave, and where to go, to stay safe,” she said.

“If you live or work close to bush, grassland, parks or paddocks, you could be at risk of fire this summer.

“I can’t stress enough how important is to be fire ready and have a fire plan. It might just save your life.”

The council is calling on owners of vacant and rural land to ensure properties are not fire risks by making sure they are properly maintained throughout the fire danger period.

Garden and other green waste can be disposed of at the Melton Recycling Facility for free in November and December.

Fire prevention officers will inspect local properties during summer and issue fire prevention notices when necessary.

If a property owner does not comply with a notice’s requirements, council will do the work at the owner’s expense.

A court prosecution may also result.

Check the fire risk where you live here.