Travel by Melton council staff cost ratepayers $80,000 in the past financial year, almost double the previous year.
Councillors and staff took 19 interstate and overseas trips, compared to 15 in the 2013-14 financial year.
Two councillors, Sophie Ramsey and Bob Turner, and five council officers – Luke Shannon, Maurie Heaney, Rhona Pedretti, Bronwyn Pettitt and chief executive Kel Tori –visited the Perth growth area of Wanneroo in February at a cost of more than $15,000.
Mr Tori said the tour included visiting new retail and employment areas, understanding growth issues and a “better” understanding of opportunities for retail stores and medium-density developments near railway stations.
Community services manager Maurie Heaney racked up almost $10,000. He travelled to Cairns for five days to attend a Parks and Leisure Australia conference ($3266.04), spent three days in Adelaide at the inaugural National Growth Areas Alliance national conference ($1972.40), visited Perth for four days on the Wanneroo trip ($2194.97) and was in Darwin for four days for the Local Government Managers Australia conference ($1873.88).
Mr Tori and planning and development general manager Luke Shannon travelled three times each.
Mr Tori claimed about $6500 in travel expenses and Mr Shannon just under $5000.
The most expensive individual claims were by Mr Heaney, leisure centres co-ordinator Trudy Martin and recreation co-ordinator Glenn Mulcahy, who claimed $3266.04 each for a trip to Cairns in August last year for a Parks and Leisure Australia function.
Mr Tori said attending this conference was an “important component of their professional development”.
“The conference provided the opportunity to learn about the latest trends and best practice in the leisure and open space spheres,” he said.
Claims can be lodged for any flights, registration at conferences, accommodation, parking, taxi vouchers, and more.
The claims are approved by Mr Tori or a council director.