Melton Christian College students relay a recipe for good

Melton Christian College’s Samantha, Caleb, Robiel and Chloe. Photo: Kristian Scott

Despite the wintry conditions, Melton Christian College students powered through a “real relay for real people”.

The students used food items instead of batons in the relay, raising almost $12,000 for the Combined Churches Caring Melton foodbank.

The school’s head of pastoral care department, Bonnie Lang, said the student leadership team wanted to raise funds to help the local community.

“It’s a nice thing to be able to do for awareness … and also for the monetary support,” Ms Lang said.

“We had different people at our chapel and school to tell stories of the foodbank … so [students knew] they were helping real people and real lives.”

Students presented a cheque to the foodbank last week.