Rosemary Hare has been playing card games for as long as she can remember. She not only loves being mentally stimulated, but also meeting like-minded people to play with along the way.
About 10 years ago, a group of Melton residents, including Ms Hare, started meeting to play bridge. Three years ago, they decided to become part of the Australian Bridge Federation and formed the Melton Bridge Club.
The group has 14 members who meet Tuesday nights at the Arnolds Creek Community Centre.
Ms Hare said bridge “took card-playing to the next level”.
“It’s a friendly game,” she says. “You move around so you’re not sitting with the same people all the time, and certainly for older people it gets your brain going.”
The club will be raising money for research institute NeuRA at its meeting next Tuesday, with the funds going towards dementia research.
Ms Hare says the fundraiser was close to her heart as her sister, who has dementia, was recently placed in permanent care.
“Hopefully they can find a way of diagnosing dementia sooner,” Ms Hare said.
The fundraiser will run from 7-10pm on Tuesday, May 2 at the Arnolds Creek Community Centre, 19 Claret Ash Boulevard, Melton West. Entry is $6 per person, with all proceeds going to NeuRA.
Ms Hare said there would be plenty of opportunity to donate on the night, and bridge players will be given extra bridge master points.
RSVP by Sunday, April 30 to 0407 894 817.