While most hospitals in Melbourne’s north and west are experiencing baby booms, numbers at Djerriwarrh Health Services have plummeted.
About 820 newborns arrived at the Bacchus Marsh hospital in the past financial year, compared with 900 the year before.
DJHS acting chief executive David Grace said the decline was mainly due to extra beds being freed up at Western Health in Sunshine and Werribee Mercy.
“Over the past 12 months, we have seen fewer people having to travel from the Werribee area to access a maternity bed due to additional beds at Werribee,” Mr Grace said.
“Djerriwarrh Health Services works closely with both Western Health and Werribee Mercy Hospital in planning and providing maternity service capacity in the west of Melbourne.”
Despite the decline, Mr Grace expects births at the hospital to increase steadily as the populations of Melton and Moorabool continue to grow.
Earlier this year, the state government announced it would invest $85 million to expand Werribee Mercy Hospital and $200 million for a new Western Women’s and Children’s Hospital at Sunshine.
The $85 million will mean six new operating theatres and 64 inpatient beds, including eight beds for a critical care unit for Werribee Mercy.
A spokeswoman for Werribee Mercy said the number of women in Melton giving birth at the hospital increased from 32 to 38 in the past financial year.