Make a difference at your local CFA

Caroline Springs CFA volunteers Joshua Bokos, Ryan Baker, Jake Busuttil, Brad Nithsdale and Julie Wright. (Damjan Janevski) 352788_01

Caroline Springs CFA is calling on new volunteers to join the brigade and help prepare for summer.

Volunteering for more than 10 years, Caroline Springs CFA firefighter Ryan Baker said the crew welcomes, “anyone and everyone” to join the team and help serve their local community.

Mr Baker said he first joined the CFA as a way for him to give back and make a difference.

“Volunteering with the CFA is a lot more than just firefighting, we are one big family,” he said.

Operating with 40 members across two stations in Caroline Springs and Hillside, the crew is looking to expand its volunteer base as it anticipates a particularly hot summer.

Mr Baker said the CFA is looking at the heatwaves occurring across the northern hemisphere, and are preparing for predictions that Australia will experience similar weather conditions during the summer months.

“We are preparing for what we think is going to be a very hot summer, one that will certainly be warmer than the last two or three years,” he said.

“We are always trying to recruit volunteers, the more hands we have the better and there are a variety of roles where people can help out.”

For those interested in volunteering, the CFA provides full training and support across a range of roles including, fire fighting, road rescue, emergency medical response, fundraising and community engagement and education.


Hannah Hammoud