Lyn Bonney legacy continues

01/09/16 Legacy. Lyn Bonney is a Legatee in the Melton area. Photo by kristian Scott

When Lyn Bonney became a Legatee more than 15 years ago, she never thought she’d be there for the long haul.

Since she began, she’s helped about 100 other women … and she has no plans to stop.

The Melton woman visits war widows and the families of Defence Force veterans to tell them about Legacy and how it can help them.

“We used to have a Legacy widows group meeting, and I used to encourage them to attend, to be with women of a similar age, similar problems,” Ms Bonney said.

“But our group, unfortunately, disbanded because of an age problem … so these days, I mainly ask them if they need financial assistance from Legacy, or if they need advice to access services.”

Ms Bonney says she gets “great satisfaction” from helping people out, meeting other women and socialising with people who have got widows’ interests at heart.

Legacy welcomes inquiries from people wanting to help widows and families as mentors.
